Subject: SYS_INST for serial console
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Stenmark <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/28/1998 16:52:43
Hi all!

I have a few of the ever-so-wonderful 425e's here, that I'd like to run
NetBSD on. I understand that since the release of 1.3, the 425e's 
serial ports should be supported and possibly be usable as a serial
console. Now, in the SYS_INST in the distribution installation from
serial console doesn't seem to be enabled. Does anyone on this list
have a copy of SYS_INST that talks to one of the serial ports instead
of the unsupported gfx adapter? If so, can I please have an URL for
it or maybe a copy in my mailbox (
Any help would be much appreciated!

Andreas Stenmark                     "Black coffee is not enough for me.
email:        I need a better friend."                              - TMBG
JMS - founding member #11