Subject: Re: frambuffer question.
To: Jorgen Pehrson <>
From: Steve Peurifoy <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/10/1998 01:47:06
> I have a question about the my graphics board in my 380. It's a HP98550A.
> When I'm running X11 it gives me a resolution of 1280x1024 at 60.2 Hz
> (That's what my monitor tells me anyway). Is there any way to get a higher
> refresh rate, say around 70Hz instead? Or is this a limitation of the
> graphics hardware?

I'm afraid the 98550/A1416 is fixed at 60Hz.  I suppose you could try
replacing the 108MHz dot clock oscillator (ECL - don't plug a run-of-
the-mill oscillator in there) with something higher but at best, you'd
be on really thin ice...
