Subject: Re: 1.2.1 client NFS mounting 1.3 server (and a SIMM question)
To: David Carrel <>
From: Erik R. Ogan <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/27/1998 00:05:18
> This sounds like a reserved port issue.  I forget exactly when it went in,
> but the mountd semantics were changed to by default deny mounts from
> clients NOT using a privileged port.  Earlier NetBSD did just that.  Try
> adding the option -noresvport to your /etc/exports on the 1.3 machine.
> that should allow the 1.2.1 machine to mount.  Once it is upgraded, you
> will no longer need that.

	Yup, that did it. Thank you!


(I was hoping that it was somthing that would not affect the NFS mount to 
copy the miniroot, but I didn't want to rely on it, since once I write 
SYS_INST on to that boot block I can't turn back.)