Subject: New NetBSD/hp300 snapshot available
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/23/1997 23:42:42
Here's the README from the snapshot I just made available.  Note that
Jason can't be blamed for packaging or build problems; those would be my

This snapshot is being made available in prelease format, as opposed to
the traditional snapshot format, and can be found in:

Please let us know if you have trouble unpacking or installing the
snapshot.  It is -VERY- important that you read the README attached below 
and act accordingly, as you can render your system unuseable if you
upgrade it improperly.


-----[File: README]-----

Sat Aug 23 19:18:27 PDT 1997

This is a binary snapshot of NetBSD/hp300 1.2G, built from NetBSD-current
sources from Aug 18, 1997.

If you are upgrading from an older NetBSD release (1.2.1 or earlier) or a
previous NetBSD-current snapshot (1.2B or earlier) you have m68k4k-format
exectuables and MUST follow special instructions outlined here.  If you
are unsure whether this applies to your system, follow these instructions.

If you are already running an m68k8k system (1.2C or later), you may
skip the special instructions.

For those of you looking for the boot programs, they are located in
the `install' directory, along with a miniroot and kernels.


Since these executables are m68k8k format, you _must_ install one of
the provided snapshot kernels before installing any of these executables.
If you do not, you will no longer be able to use your system!  Once
you install the new executables, you will _not_ be able to boot a
running system with old kernels!

Note that, due to a bug in the older boot blocks, you _must_ install a
new boot block before booting a new kernel!  New boot blocks will be
able to boot old- or new-format kernels.  Once you install the boot
block, make sure it is revision 1.7 (printed in the banner when the
boot program starts).

The recommended upgrade procedure is:

	(1) Install new boot block:

		cp SYS_UBOOT /usr/mdec/uboot.lif
		cd /usr/mdec
		./installboot uboot.lif /dev/rXXNc

	    ...where XXN is the name of your root disk, e.g. sd0, rd0, etc.

	(2) Backup your old kernel:

		cp /netbsd /netbsd.old

	(3) Install and boot new kernel:

		cp netbsd-gen /netbsd

	(4) Once you have verified that the new kernel works with
	    your system, untar the executables and the rest of the
	    snapshot.  NOTE: you _must_ have an up-to-date
	    in order for your old shared libraries to work with
	    new-format executables and vice-versa.  With that in
	    mind, you will probably want to unpack things in the
	    following order:

		[ Make a backup of your /usr/libexec/! ]

		tar --unlink -zxvpf /path/to/base12G.tar.gz ./usr/libexec/

		[ Verify that programs work with the new ]

		[ Make a backup of your latest /usr/lib/*! ]

		tar --unlink -zxvpf /path/to/base12G.tar.gz ./usr/lib

		[ Verify that programs work with the new libraries. ]

	    You can then install all of the distribution sets, including
	    the `base12G' set, in any order.

	    Make sure that you use the following tar command:

		tar --unlink -C / -zxvpf /path/to/file.tar.gz

	(5) Get the latest sources (by whichever method you choose)
	    and build a new kernel.  Make _absolutely_ sure you have the
	    following option in your kernel config file:

	options		COMPAT_M68K4K	# compat. with NetBSD/m68k4k binaries

	    If you don't, your new kernel will not be able to run your
	    old executables!

	    When you build your kernel, you _must_ clean out all of
	    your old object files!

		config <your kernel>
		cd ../../m68k/fpsp; make clean
		cd ../../hp300/compile/<your kernel>; make clean
		make depend && make

	(6) Make a backup of the generic kernel you installed in
	    step (3).

		cp /netbsd /netbsd.old

	(7) Boot your new kernel.

		cp netbsd /netbsd

	(8) Build a new userland by whichever method you use.
	    NOTE: you _must_ clean out _all_ of your current object
	    files before you rebuild the system!

		cd /usr/src; make cleandir

	(9) Install the userland you just built.

	(10) Have the beverage of your choice!  You've successfully
	     upgraded your NetBSD/hp300 system from m68k4k to m68k8k!

Now that NetBSD/hp300 uses the same executable format as the rest of
the m68k ports, we can work towards having a unified m68k binary
distribution for NetBSD on m68k.

If you follow the above upgrade procedure, the process should be
painless.  If, however, you experience problems, please contact
me ASAP (please make sure to at least CC


Have fun, and good luck!

	-- Jason R. Thorpe <>
	   NetBSD/hp300 portmeister

	-- Scott Reynolds <>
	   NetBSD/hp300 slavepiglet