Subject: Can you help me with NetBSD? (fwd)
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mike Ekholm <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/06/1997 16:10:36
I have recived this message and I was wondering if someone can help this

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 1997 13:27:54 -0700
From: Len Harold <>
Subject: Can you help me with NetBSD?


I got your email addresses from the FreeBSD port-hp300 mailing
list archives.  I am able to post to the list but I have not
been subscribed to the list by Jason Thorpe as of yet.  The list
archives haven't been updated for a while either. Does you know
if Jason is on vacation or such? If anyone responded to my request
for information (included below) please email me directly.

Len Harold

----------------- include message -----------------

First of all: Newbie Alert!

That being said, I will procede to make a fool of myself and ask:

  In the file:


  on line 43 under "The recommended upgrade procedure" it says:

    "cp uboot.lif /usr/mdec"

  however I don't find the file "uboot.lif" at the aforementioned site
  with all of the rest of the files for this upgrade.  I was wondering
  if someone could point me in the right direction?

  Another question that I have is if anyone has a running X11R6 server
  that they would like to share with me?

Now that you have gotten a good laugh, will someone have pity on me? :-)