Subject: Re: 68040
To: Michael Lorenz <>
From: David Carrel <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/17/1997 10:09:20
> - is it possible to run the 040 in the 345 at 40MHz using a 80MHz quartz ? I have heard about a jumper that inserts a waitstate at each memory access cycle, would this be enough ? I think I have 80ns RAMs... ( I'll have a look at them when I change the daughterboard against the 040 )

Never tried it that fast.  I've gone as fast as 33MHz.  Please tell me
how it works and be prepared to drop back to a slower speed.

> - will the old BootROM ( Rev. D ) work ?

I doubt it.  I believe that any ROMs shipped in a 345 will not handle an
040.  But it's easy to try.  The failure mode I got with mine was that I
never saw ANY console output.  The LEDs indicated that it failed in the
startup memory tests.

>   - if not - who could send me an apropriate ROM image ?
>   - How much would HP charge for it ? ( including oversea shipping... )

HP sells new ROMS for $23 (that was the price three years ago).  Let me
know if you want the part number.  I have it at home.

> - is it possible to upgrade a 320 with a 030 and maybe a new quartz ?
>   - does a BootROM exist that supports this combination ?

Doubt it.  The 020 and 030 are not pin compatible.  Unless the mother
board has an 030 socket and the 020 is on a daughter board, then you
can't do it.  I'm pretty sure the 020 isa on the motherboard.  Sorry.
