Subject: 425e serial booting
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: me <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 05/02/1997 03:17:28
	There was some talk a little while ago about booting the e series
serially which I earlier thought to be impossible.  When I tried it out I
was able to type comands from the linux box I'de attached serialy, but I
couldn't get the display to switch either with R, or setting boot mode to
	I tried booting SYS_INST off a wangtek DAT, but it would just give
me a blank screen like it did previously.  Occasionally, and seemingly
randomly it would freeze the screen with "booting..", and show info on
the dat drive and the file it was booting.
	Any ideas on how I could get this machine bootstraped would be
apreciated.  If I could get it going enough to telnet into it, I could
start playing with the frodo patch...
	My tools are: wangtek dat, lan, and a linux box.
If anyone happens to be using a quantum 425 and would be willing to give me
a dd image of the entire drive...  Unless NFS root filesystems are supported
now I'm just about out of ideas, I could try modifying SYS_INST if anyone 
has the source?