Subject: snapshot of 1.2B ?
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Andreas Brusinsky <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/17/1997 00:26:20
Sorry for my demand, but you were talking about a snapshot of 1.2B.

I don't know what kind of priority this has but also hope that it might   
be not too much work.

Because I have no success in compiling the source (sup from Tuesday)

 ( e.g the libc stopped with a fatal gcc error 6 [ where can I get 
  explanations for all these error numbers - is there a tool? ].
  When I added '-O3'  in the /usr/src/lib/libc/Makefile to the CFLAGS+
  variable it made all but stops now with:

    building shared c library (version 12.8)
    ld -x -Bshareable -Bforcearchive  -o libc_pic.a 
    ld: libc_pic.a(ARFILENAMES): bad magic
    *** Error code 1

	Thanks Andreas