Subject: disklabel probelm
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Trown <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 09/27/1996 16:56:57
Hello all.
I have a system with two HP-IB disks on it. Both are on the same HP-IB
chain. That is, they are both on the samephysical wire chain.
I am trying to put a new disklabel on one of the disks in prepearation for
installing NetBSD 1.2.
Whenever I try to use disklabel, I get:
disklabel: /dev/rrd4c: Device not configured
I have tried:
disklabel -w -r /dev/rrd2c rd7958b snorch
disklabel -e -r /dev/rrd2c rd7958b snorch
disklabel -w -r /dev/rrd2c rd7958b
disklabel -w -r /dev/rrd2c rd7958b
disklabel -e -r rd2
Plus various permutaions of these commands. Everything I try produces the
same result. Here are the drives and their select codes:
7958B 2
7962B 0
The system is currently running off the 7962B.
Is this disk toast? How can I find out what devices the kernel sees?
Thanks for your time.
+ Chris Trown + CSRV Monkey Suit | Fly low +
+ + worn under | and avoid +
+ KD6EVS | '92 CBR600F2 + PROTEST! | the radar +