Subject: Booting a hp 340 off SCSI
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 09/18/1996 23:36:37
Hello, I finally got both the time and the working hardware to install
NetBSD 1.1 on one of my hp340's.  I went throught the whole
installation with no hitches whatso ever, worked great (although the
disk geometry section always bothers me).  I got to the end, halted
the machine, power-cycled, and it boots up using the rbootd off my
i386! grr, so I kill rbootd and power-cycle the hp, and now it just
searches for a system!

Where is my disk??  seriously, is there anything special about getting
a 340 to see its scsi disks? in particular to boot off them?

unfortunately I get a lot of garbage on my terminal during the boot
up, but the machine definately sees the scsi and says something like
(modulo garbage and typing errors)

HP98265  (SCSI S 16) at 14

it may say it twice, or that may be garbage

The part is definately an HP98265A SCSI (according to the numbers on

More than happy to provide anyother info, I just want this thing to
work!!! (so close, yet....)


Bart Niswonger