Subject: hp300 NetBSD kernel crashes...
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Boschma <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/27/1996 15:05:38
Hi everyone,

One of the hp300s (actually an Apollo Series 400) with 16Mb (one bank) of RAM
keeps having a Kernel Panic when ever it has been 'idle' for a while.

Below is a copy of the screen at the time of death. Any clues as to the course
would be great. It's a current kernel of about a month old vintage.

Marc B.

dreg: 42A748E7 FFFF68CB 00000000 0000073A 0000073A 00000000 27E458FF 00000040
areg: 42A748E7 3130837A 00000660 00000000 0000066A 00000000 00797BA0 FFEFFE40

Kernel stack (00797A8C):
panic: Address error
trap type 1, code = f66d, v = 2a64a39
kernel: Address error trap
pid = -1, pc = 00000A12, ps = 2600, sfc = 0001, dfc = 0001
             0        1        2        3        4        5        6 7
dreg: 42A748E7 FFFF68C4 00000000 00000741 00000741 00000000 27E458FF 00000040
areg: 42A748E7 3130837A 00000660 00000000 0000066A 00000000 007974A0 FFEFFE40

Kernel stack (007978CC):
panic: Address error
trap type 1, code = f66d, v = 2a64a39
kernel: Address error trap
pid = -1, pc = 00000A12, ps = 2600, sfc = 0001, dfc = 0001
             0        1        2        3        4        5        6 7
dreg: 42A748E7 FFFF68BD 00000000 00000748 00000748 00000000 27E458FF 00000040
areg: 42A748E7 3130837A 00000660 00000000 0000066A 00000000 00797820 FFEFFE40

Kernel stack (0079770C):
panic: Address error
trap type 1, code = f66d, v = 2a64a39
kernel: Address error trap
pid = -1, pc = 00000A12, ps = 2600, sfc = 0001, dfc = 0001
             0        1        2        3        4        5        6 7
dreg: 42A748E7 FFFF68B7 00000000 0000074E 0000074E 00000000 27E458FF 00000040
areg: 42A748E7 3130837A 00000660 00000000 0000066A 00000000 00797660 FFEFFE40

Kernel stack (0079754C):
panic: Address error
trap type 1, code = f66d, v = 2a64a39
kernel: Address error trap
pid = -1, pc = 00000A12, ps = 2600, sfc = 0001, dfc = 0001
             0        1        2        3        4        5        6 7
dreg: 42A748E7 FFFF68B0 00000000 00000755 00000755 00000000 27E458FF 00000040
areg: 42A748E7 3130837A 00000660 00000000 0000066A 00000000 007974A0 FFEFFE40

Kernel stack (0079738C):
panic: Address error
panic: Address error