Subject: HP/Apollo Question
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas A. McLeary <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 02/21/1996 06:51:22
Hello All,
I'm working with Owens Community College in Toledo, OH to set up a class on
UNIX. We have been donated a couple of HP's by a local firm. One is an
HP/Apollo Series 400 and the other is a diskless HP 9000/340. The HP/Apollo
has HP/UX installed and is running HP cluster software to boot the 9000/340.
However I have to find an alternate UNIX because the firm that donated them
have the filesystems installed rather poorly (the HP/Apollo has everything
on one filesystem and when the 9000/340 boots it shares that exact same
filesystem which appears to cause some problems).
This brings me to want to install NetBSD on them since the FAQ says it
supports booting diskless clients. My questions are:
1) The HP/Apollo is basically a post-Apollo-buyout, pre-9000-labeled
machine. It is 68040 based and has all the supported 9000 HW inside.
Is this machine supported? The FAQ shows a model 400 as a 68030.
2) Does the NetBSD support for booting diskless clients work well?
3) Is there anyone out there who would be willing to supply me with
bootable installation tape(s) for use on an HP9144 16-track tape drive?
I would gladly pay for time and cost of tape(s).
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Tom McLeary
"Hell hath no fury like Bill Gates's scorn..."
SYSTEM ERROR: Clue Buffer Empty (OS/Clue Server)