Subject: HP/Apollo 400t - getting close
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 11/14/1995 12:43:21
OK - I got the boot disk from the person who tried to boot his
425e. The boot did go further with the 400t than with the 425e. It
looped saying something like invalid disklabel. So I took the disk
home and made the boot disk with my Amiga. Now the boot goes even
further. I get the prompt which asks for shell!  Apparently something
went wrong in making the disk with the Linux-PC.

But anyway - my problem is that the HIL keyboard I plugged into the
machine, produces garbage (H^@^@^@?/ seems to be the favorite). I can
type the netbsd -s to the initial prompt but when I try to type to the
SH prompt all I get is garbage. With F9 I can produce ^D so I got
it to try going multiuser. Did not work with ro root :)

I configured the prom to HPUX compatible mode but only
temporarily. Could this cause problems? I did this because the fellow
with the 425e told me that he is now unable to configure his machine
back to Domain compatible mode. The boot menus have changed and he
can't find keyboard configuration anywhere.

Is there any way to use the serial ports as console? The 400t has
three serial ports. The boot did not tell about them so I suppose
there's no support at least in the boot kernel.

Oh - this is with 1.0 binaries. I'm just downloading the 1.1ALPHA set.