Subject: Re: diskless hp340
To: None <>
From: Chuck Cranor <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/03/1995 13:34:58
In article <> you write:
>The mvme68k port has a working netboot that Chuck took from (I think)
>the hp300 one... Apparently he gave it a complete enema before it 

Actually, I took it from the sun3 port, and then totally reworked
it and passed the changes to Gordon Ross.   Gordon then took my changes
and worked them back into the tree.   I then reported his code
to the mvme system.   So, the same basic netboot code is working on 
both the sun3 and mvme68k ports.   The sun3 MD stuff is a bit more
complex because the MMU is always on on the sun3.   Check out
sys/arch/{mvme68k,sun3}/stand for the details.


Chuck Cranor, Graduate Student
Computer and Communications Research Center
Washington University, St. Louis MO  USA
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