Subject: Re: Weird (but good) stuff. Was: Re: context switch benchmark...
To: Mike Hibler <>
From: David Carrel <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 11/06/1994 15:19:59
> Are you sure that this jumper is not affecting the clock rate (like making
> it run slow)?  That is, you verified that the elapsed time reported by
> the CPU was consistant with "real time"?
> I would think that it is independent of that but you never know...

In both cases (jumper at 33 and jumper at 25) the oscillator is the same
(66 MHz).  The oscillator is directly connected (short trace) to the 040.
So I'm convinced that the CPU clock rate is the same in both cases.  I
traced the oscillator connections when I replaced the 030 daughterboard
with an 040 because with the daughterboard, there is no cpu clock on the
motherboard and it must be added as part of the upgrade.

I haven't measured elapsed CPU time differences, but it really doesn't make
sense (to me that is) that the jumper would affect the clock rates.
