Subject: One hp300 specific compile bug
To: None <>
From: David Carrel <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/03/1994 08:47:46
My compile of the full sources had one hp300 specific bug.  The compile
fails in src/usr.sbin/iostat/ when compiling src/usr.bin/vmstat/names.c.
names.c is trying to include <hp300/dev/device.h> but that isn't in the
include path.  The compile in src/usr.bin/vmstat/ succeeded because the
Makefile adds "-I../../sys/arch" to the CFLAGS, but in src/usr.sbin/iostat,
the Makefile only adds "-I/sys".  If you link /usr/include/hp300 to
/sys/arch/hp300 then this doesn't fail, but I doubt that that is the right
solution.  Probably the right solution is to change
src/usr.sbin/iostat/Makefile to be more like src/usr.bin/vmstat/Makefile.


