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Re: loongson2f deadlocks fix
I just went back and re-installed my last successful build of -current
evbmips-mips64el (from 16 August--thought it was longer ago than that).
Now, it boots just fine and goes multiuser without issue. I don't know
what the problem was. At the time of my previous attempts, it failed
every time.
Now if only a more recent -current would build.
|/"\ John D. Baker, KN5UKS NetBSD Darwin/MacOS X
|\ / jdbaker[snail]mylinuxisp[flyspeck]com OpenBSD FreeBSD
| X No HTML/proprietary data in email. BSD just sits there and works!
|/ \ GPGkeyID: D703 4A7E 479F 63F8 D3F4 BD99 9572 8F23 E4AD 1645
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