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Re: ERLITE frozen in rc script after switching to GCC 5.4

Sorry for my long silence. I've been out.

On 2016/11/02 14:09, coypu%SDF.ORG@localhost wrote:
I've also had trouble booting my loongson all of a sudden, hitting TLB miss on fsck
every time. Cleaning my objdir and updating sources seemed to magically fix it.

Make sure you've done that, considering how little work it is (relative to pinning
down a miscompiled object).

(I probably built part for the wrong endianness or something stupid at one point...)
Unfortunately, it is irrelevant to my case. I'm working on tmpfs and
cleaning old stuff every time when updating the source tree...

On 2016/11/05 23:40, Nick Hudson wrote:
On 10/26/16 04:30, Rin Okuyama wrote:
On 2016/10/24 19:01, Nick Hudson wrote:
I wonder if the stuff in


is doing the wrong thing here.... try disabling it.
How can I disable it? For now, I applied the attached patch which stops
calling mips_fixup_{exception,stubs}() from cavium/octeon_cpunode.c and
mips/mips_machdep.c, although functions in mips_fixup.c are referenced
by other files. By these chages, the situation seems to be getting
better (see below).
The patch was fine...

That said, it seems to work now.
Thank you so much for your efforts to fix it. I tried kernel from today's
current. It seems to be getting much better than before. However, after
repeating reboot several times, kernel panic occurs due to TLB miss. I
attached ps and bt from DDB below.

NetBSD 7.99.42 (ERLITE_RO) #0: Mon Nov  7 20:13:56 JST 2016
Cavium Octeon CN50XX
total memory = 512 MB
avail memory = 499 MB
Starting sshd.
pid 240(sleep): trap: cpu0, TLB miss (load or instr. fetch) in kernel mode
status=0x50200083, cause=0x8, epc=0xffffffff802342a4, vaddr=0x132
tf=0x980000041097bb70 ksp=0x980000041097bcb0 ra=0xffffffff80234280 ppl=0
kernel: TLB miss (load or instr. fetch) trap
Stopped in pid 240.1 (sleep) at netbsd:trap+0x664:      lw      a6,304(s7)
db> ps
PID    LID S CPU     FLAGS       STRUCT LWP *               NAME WAIT
362      1 2   0         0   ffffffff8fe564e0                cmp
344      1 3   0        80   ffffffff8fb46500                 sh wait
318      1 3   0        80   ffffffff8fb46d80               sshd select
340      1 3   0        80   ffffffff8fb47600               ntpd netio
319      1 3   0        80   ffffffff8fb471c0               ntpd pause
292      1 2   0         0   ffffffff8fb47a40          makemandb
240  >   1 7   0         0   ffffffff8fe56920              sleep
147      1 2   0         0   ffffffff8fe560a0            syslogd
15       1 3   0        80   ffffffff8fe571a0                 sh wait
14       1 3   0        80   ffffffff8fe575e0                 sh wait
9        1 3   0        80   ffffffff8fe57a20                 sh pipe_rd
8        1 3   0        80   ffffffff8feb4080                 sh wait
7        1 3   0        80   ffffffff8feb44c0                 sh wait
6        1 3   0        80   ffffffff8feb4900                 sh wait
2        1 3   0        80   ffffffff8ff28060                 sh wait
1        1 3   0        80   ffffffff8ff299e0               init wait
0       42 3   0       200   ffffffff8feb5a00            swapiod swapiod
0       41 3   0       200   ffffffff8feb4d40           aiodoned aiodoned
0       40 3   0       200   ffffffff8feb5180            ioflush syncer
0       39 3   0       200   ffffffff8feb55c0           pgdaemon pgdaemon
0       36 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff284a0              nfsio nfsiod
0       35 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff288e0              nfsio nfsiod
0       34 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff308c0              nfsio nfsiod
0       33 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff30480              nfsio nfsiod
0       31 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff30d00           scsibus0 sccomp
0       30 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff30040               usb0 usbevt
0       29 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff295a0              unpgc unpgc
0       28 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff29160           rt_timer rt_timer
0       27 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff28d20        vmem_rehash vmem_rehash
0       18 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff31140         usbtask-dr usbtsk
0       17 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff31580         usbtask-hc usbtsk
0       16 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff319c0               dwc2 dwc2
0       15 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff64020         pmfsuspend pmfsuspend
0       14 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff64460           pmfevent pmfevent
0       13 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff648a0         sopendfree sopendfr
0       12 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff64ce0           nfssilly nfssilly
0       11 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff65120            cachegc cachegc
0       10 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff65560              vrele vrele
0        9 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff659a0             vdrain vdrain
0        8 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff76000          modunload mod_unld
0        7 3   0       200   ffffffff8ff76440            xcall/0 xcall
0        6 1   0       200   ffffffff8ff76880          softser/0
0        5 1   0       200   ffffffff8ff76cc0          softclk/0
0        4 1   0       200   ffffffff8ff77100          softbio/0
0        3 1   0       200   ffffffff8ff77540          softnet/0
0        2 1   0       201   ffffffff8ff77980             idle/0
0        1 3   0       200   ffffffff805187e0            swapper uvm
db> bt
0x980000041097bcb0: trap+664 (980000041097bd49,1,ffffffff80480000,80f883) ra ffffffff8022928c sz 496
0x980000041097bea0: mips64r2_user_gen_exception+cc (980000041097bd49,1,ffffffff80480000,80f883) ra 0 sz 0
User-level: pid 240.1

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