Subject: Re: RTC todr for mips/alchemy
To: Garrett D'Amore <>
From: Shigeyuki Fukushima <>
List: port-evbmips
Date: 03/07/2006 07:19:10
Garrett D'Amore wrote:
> So, what I think we need to do is implement todr_attach in
> evbmips/evbmips/clock.c, so that it can make use of your rtc driver.
> What we do *not* need is a seperate and new RTC driver.
> Possibly (probably!) the other evbmips clock drivers (aurrtc and
> mcclock.c) should be converted to use the MI todr logic.
> Frankly, I like this idea a lot.
> But, the first step is to make evbmips/evmips/clock.c support todr_attach.
> That should be the direction you proceed, I think.
Thanks. I'll assist you.
Kind Regards,
--- shige
Shigeyuki Fukushima <shige@{FreeBSD,jp.FreeBSD,NetBSD}.org>