Subject: Re: weird boot up panics
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-evbmips
Date: 03/04/2006 03:27:52
In article <> wrote:
> I *think* what is happening is that the interrupt handlers are coming
> and going during boot flow.
What is "during boot flow"?
Before mountroot, or during rc.d processes?
I have one concern that clock interrupt (INT5) shouldn't be
enabled until cpu_initclocks() is called, but I'm not sure
if that could cause your problem.
> Wed Mar 1 11:20:07 PST 2006
> trap: TLB miss (load or instr. fetch) in kernel mode
> status=0x2, cause=0x800408, epc=0x802d7e14, vaddr=0x1040002c
> curlwp == NULL ksp=0xc0080d80
> Stopped at netbsd:aucomintr+0x88: lw v0,44(s2)
Hmm, how can the address 0x104000xx be passed for a pointer?
MIPS_PHYS_TO_KSEG1() is missed somewhere?
(btw ic0_base and ic1_base in au_icu.c should be vaddr_t,
not bus_addr_t, I think)
Izumi Tsutsui