Subject: Unfinished business - +256MB RAM (3 level page table)
To: None <,>
List: port-evbmips
Date: 03/17/2004 07:17:34
hi, all.
assuming a board with +256MB physical RAM, i tried to
mess up in pmap by
increasing VM_MAX_KERNEL & all that. basically i am
able to add it into vm.
then came chaining of dma tags, that is also done,
partly. still there are
two problems -
.1 to add a memory window above 0xc000_0000 area.
some boards would have
a pci controller that may allocate above 0xc000_0000
area for pci memory &
which is already taken up by kva. ((i know there's an
idea of fooling
around with dummy or wired tlb entry))
.2 some boards do have capacity beyond 1GB
that's the reason would look for more elegant
solution. adding >256MB RAM is
an unfinished business anyway for mips kernels.
anybody already putting up
this in mips kernel? or anybody out there has already
shot up page table to
3 level to accommodate extra memory requirements?
i don't see this on agenda for 2.0 kernels. if it is't
there already & i am
looking at some old listing, would like to add this
feature into wish-list.
am more than willing to lend pair of hands.
thanks & best regards,
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