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Re: (a) other lists? (b) ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output

On 28 July 2015 at 16:04, Mouse <mouse%rodents-montreal.org@localhost> wrote:
> I just recently dusted off my Dreamcast.  I've got two questions.
> I've mostly been writing my own code (in assembly) to run on the bare
> metal.  This leads to my first question: I have a problem with a
> graphics program.  But, since it has nothing to do with NetBSD, this
> isn't an appropriate place to ask questions about it.  Anyone know of
> any lists which would be better?
> As for my other question, a few days back I got code working to pull
> data over the BBA (yes, I'm lucky enough to have a BBA).  This meant
> that booting NetBSD was a matter of seconds instead of the 30-45
> minutes it takes to trickle it over the serial line (rather than
> burning each new program to a CD, I have a CD that puts a rudimentary
> monitor on the serial port and have been downloading code to that).  So
> I've got NetBSD booted and running diskless and am trying to bring it
> into the fold, as it were, to set up my various tools on it.
> Now, it's 4.0.1 that I'm trying to run, so if you don't recall anything
> that far back, please feel free to skip the rest of this message.
> Okay, for those still reading :-), I ran into an issue.  Trying to link
> one program (an old version of xterm), I got
> ld: xterm: hidden symbol `__udivsi3' in /usr/lib/libgcc.a(_udivsi3.o) is referenced by DSO
> ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output
> Now, I don't much care about xterm per se - the only reason for even
> attempting the link is that it's part of the build script I use.  But
> this looks like something I should understand before it bites me in a
> program I _do_ care about.  Any thoughts?

ISTR something related to -lgcc missing when the shared library was
created, but I could be mistaken. I assume you see this on dynamic
linking but not static?

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