Subject: Kernel config error on dreamcast
To: None <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 11/16/2003 09:01:56
I just got the 1.6.1 source files installed, and I
decided to build a GENERIC kernel on the dreamcast. I
got this:
dreamcast:/usr/src/sys/arch/dreamcast/conf # config
../../../../conf/files:228: option `IPKDB' dependency
`IPKDBKEY' is an unknown option
*** Stop.
dreamcast:/usr/src/sys/arch/dreamcast/conf #
Here is the machine:
dreamcast:/usr/src/sys/arch/dreamcast/conf # uname -a
NetBSD 1.6L NetBSD 1.6L
(GENERIC-NETBOOT) #0: Sat Jan 11 18:21:41 UTC 2003
I searched on this and I haven't seen anything
similar. I think what I'm going to have to do is cross
build an entire world, then install it, then go from
there unless there is a quick fix for this. I'm
running from a pretty old -current branch.
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