Subject: Re: Anyone alive out there?
To: None <>
From: Zachary McGrew <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 05/23/2003 13:05:52
I'd like to think I'm still alive. =)
But school seems to have sucked most of the life out
of me. Oh well, graduation is soon, and then it's
DigiPen here I come! 

Oh, and instead of posting twice, I discovered
something wierd with the DC.

The BBA w/ the web browser 3.0 doesn't like to be
plugged into my network, but it likes to be plugged
directly into the cable modem itself. Any ideas what
could be causing this?
When I tcpdump on the interface it should be going to
(dc1) I can see where it recieves/sends the ARPs, and
DHCP info (I've tried both ways), but it never can
connect. The rest of the systems on my LAN route fine
through it. Any ideas?

Zachary McGrew
BSD is 'da way to be! | |

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