Subject: jvm for netbsd/dreamcast?
To: None <>
From: mike rogers <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 04/16/2003 00:39:29
my system is pretty stable (but, thanks to the *amazing* faq, i'm sure th=
are lower primates who could come up with a system comparable to mine :-)=
but lacks a jvm; the idea of running jakarta/struts webapps from a dreamc=
appeals to me on some esoteric level.  has anyone played with any of the=20
open-sourced jvms to the extent that they (the jvms) come close to workin=
g? =20
scanning the kaffe porting how-to, i'm not exactly sure i'm leet enough o=
have the patience to port kaffe...  any input is welcome.
