Subject: Re: Package Status
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Alex Kirk <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/03/2003 17:00:50
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> Maybe it would be good to actually fix the system to not crash?

Optimally, yes, this would be the case. There are some things holding this 
possibility back, however: 

1) The total and complete lack of any error messages related to these 
crashes. The system just hangs -- and the syslogs have nothing even close to 
the time of the crash. Sadly, this sort of thing is a frequent occurance 
when compiling  anything of any size on the Dreamcast.
2) While I have dabbled with C programming, I'm not anywhere close to 
competent enough to track down a problem like this -- and from the comments 
of others on this list, neither is anyone else who is active with the port 
(except perhaps Iszumi or Marcus, but they're both already busy with other 
bugs). Thus, I figured I'd do what I could and do this manually. 

In all honesty, the Dreamcast port has been badly neglected for quite some 
time -- there's little interest in it, particularly compared to what the 
Linux/DC folks are doing. I'm hoping that by doing things like rewriting the 
FAQ and making packages available, I can generate enough interest that 
people come back to the port, and progress resumes. 

Alex Kirk 

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