Subject: Re: IP upload slave questions...
To: Josh Tolbert <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 09/03/2002 06:13:59
--- Josh Tolbert <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> 	I've got 'er whipped. I burned a CD of Marcus' IP
> upload slave. I
> then ping the Dreamcast to see if it's up. If it is,
> I use netcat (nc) to
> push a kernel to the Dreamcast, and the rest is
> history.
> 	I'm going to write a sh script to automate the
> process. The gist
> of the script will be:
> 1) ping -c 1 -w 0.1 the dreamcast every ten seconds
> or so.
> 2) If the DC is up (test the return value of ping)
> and a control var has
> the right value, use netcat to send the kernel and
> set the control var to
> "not ok to send."
> 3) If the DC is not up, make sure the control var is
> set to signal ok to
> send the kernel next time the DC is.
> 	One could avoid using netcat if the use of the
> portal filesystem
> was used, but I want to keep things portable to
> those that won't be using
> NetBSD as the nfs/dhcpd/whatever server for the
> Dreamcast.
> 	Once I get the process ironed out a page of
> directions will be
> linked from my existing Dreamcast guide. I might
> provide the two files to
> burn the CD again...But honestly, it's not that
> hard. :)
> Thanks,
> Josh

Josh, maybe I'm asking the wrong question here... 

Is the purpose of this to not have to burn a kernel
disc ever again? This would be my goal and I'm not
100% sure how to go about it.

I have your CD now and all it seems to be able to do
(as far as my feeble skills have allowed me to see) is
load a kernel into memory, ask for the root disk over
NFS (which your how-to fairly clearly shows us how to
set up), mounts it, and the rest is history. You then
have a working multi user system. 

I just would like to have a kernel sitting there in /
that gets loaded instead of the one from the CD-R.

I see in other's dhcpd.conf setups that there is a
file specified to load, namely the kernel. I believe I
saw this from a post from Alex Kirk. Is this going to
load the new kernel in place of the one already loaded
from the CD-R? Do I have to scramble this kernel?

I have a million questions... It would be so nice to
get this thing into a state where I can rebuild it
often and keep up with -current because fixes seem to
be coming again. I've been building things from pkgsrc
and I also built a kernel from the latest -current
sources, but I don't know how to use it (other than
burning it to a CD-R of course).



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