Subject: Re: port-dreamcast not a hoax. sniff.
To: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
From: Paul Timmins <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 01/29/2002 07:49:24
I was able to burn this on an IDE HP 8100+ (4x) using SCSI emulation under 
Linux, in case anyone is going that route.

At 10:37 PM 1/28/2002, you wrote:
>Step 1.  Make the IP Slave boot CD.
>I used a Ricoh MP6200S burner with cdrecord 1.9 and its included
>mkisofs 1.13.
>To make the CD, you will need two files: the IP.BIN bootblock and the
>1IPLOAD.BIN executable.  Get both in a single tarball at:
>Instructions for making the CD are at:
>I succeeded on the first try, but finding someone with a non-Sony SCSI
>CD burner was a nightmare.  Everyone has IDE or FireWire burners now,
>and both Sony burners I tried did not work with cdrecord at all,
>multi-session or otherwise.