Subject: Re: Network monitor...
To: Andy Michaels <>
From: Drew P. Vogel <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 05/08/2001 22:38:40
IIRC has at least one log analyzer for tcpdump/ethereal
which draws graphs and charts of network activity.

Also, if I was lazy enough to trust a picture to tell me a box was
compromized or not, I think I would at least put it on a box I know is

--Drew Vogel

On Tue, 8 May 2001, Andy Michaels wrote:

>Okay, so my idea for a visual firewall is pretty much dead.  how about
>Visual Network monitor - 3D representation of all nodes on the network
>with different indicators for traffic to/from a node, detection of
>"abnormal" activities(intrusions)
>How's that?
>Oh, and don't forget the flame-stickers for the top of the DC :)
>** A N D Y . M I C H A E L S
>** L E G O  AT  G T I  DOT  N E T