Subject: RE:current status of dreamcast port
To: None <>
From: Nathon Mahon <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/28/2001 17:24:20
FWIW, I have gotten my CDR's to boot off three different dreamcasts....
These dreamcasts were purchased christmas 98, christmas 99, and christmas
00. They have booted IPslave, Dreamsnes, and a copy of the bba-webbrowser.


On 26 Mar 2001 wrote:

> I think what I was tring to say was that there is a theroy or a rumor
> out and about that any "new" consoles out on the market will not boot
> off of CDRs. Now it might just be a rumor but if anyone could verify
> this I would love to know (thats why I have completly held off on buy a
> console).
>             And YES I do know that you MUST boot with some kind of CDR
> yet it be an entire kernel or an uploader that you use along side your
> BBA/Modem (this is where I was going about the modem working, I know you
> can't boot straight from it.)
>             I was just giving some advice as such: If you want the BBA
> just for NetBSD make sure you will be able to boot a CDR (Whole kernel
> or Uploader) BEFORE investing for the BBA. (Connecting back to the rumor
> that I have heard .. See above)
> If you will use the BBA for more then just NetBSD say for games like
> Quake III Arena then "All power to you!"
> Back to the rumor.. could someone PLEASE "ONCE AND FOR ALL" clear this
> up for me (about NEW consoles not booting CDRs) This is the reason I
> have held off in buying a console!!!!
> I was just tring to give the fellow a little advice that I picked up
> from the board, but if anyone could clear up the lose ends I'll make
> note of it.