Subject: Re: current status of dreamcast port
To: None <>
From: John Mora <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/27/2001 09:15:30
No word on the 'MIL CD' label, but I can confirm that the refurbished one
I purchased boots CDs. I was hesitant to buy a new one for fear it
wouldn't boot CDs.


On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Marcus Comstedt wrote:

> >>>>> "Shin'ichiro" == Shin'ichiro TAYA <> writes:
>   Shin'ichiro> I've heard that keyword is "MIL CD".
>   Shin'ichiro> "MIL CD Ready" model can boot from CD.
>   Shin'ichiro> It's printed on the box of Japanese model.
>   Shin'ichiro> "MIL CD not ready" is printed on the box that can't play MIL CD.
> This is correct.  It can be assumed that any Japanese DC that does not
> boot CDs will have the "MIL CD not ready" label.  Whether this will be
> true for US/European models too remains to be seen, as no official MIL
> CDs are targeted to these markets anyway.  Does anyone have a
> US/European box that says "MIL CD Ready"?
>   // Marcus

John Mora