Subject: Re: cross building under FreeBSD succeccful
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/27/2001 11:47:03
>>>>> "R" == R Imura <> writes:

  R> 1) In libc/sys and libposix/sys, before executing "as", I must replace
  R>   ".long" to ".ualong" word which was created by cpp. Otherwise, "as" says
  R>   it is "misaligned data" and a object which links this bad libc dumps core
  R>   saying "Bad system call".
  R>   If I replace .long correctly, everything goes fine, so I'm setteing AS
  R>   variable to "sed 's/\.\(long	0x\)/.ua\1/g' | cross-as", but why?

Bad idea.  Unaligned longs can't be accessed by the CPU.  If as says
"misaligned data", there is a missing .align somewhere.

  // Marcus