Subject: Re: Kernel with CDROM as root?
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/10/2001 18:19:20
>>>>> "Gareth" == Gareth J Greenaway <> writes:
Gareth> Hi,
Gareth> I wonder if someone might be so kind as to build a netbsd dreamcast
Gareth> kernel for me. I was hoping to show the the dreamcast booting netbsd
Gareth> at a UG (user group) meeting tomorrow and I am still having some issues
Gareth> setting up my build enviroment. Basically I just need a kernel with
Gareth> the root fs set to a CD, ideally set to prompt for it. Thanks!
Try <URL:>. It has
root fs set to network boot, but if you just let the DHCP time out, it
will fall back to prompting. If you don't have a BBA installed, you
ought to get the prompt directly.
// Marcus