Subject: Re: The DC as a security checker ?
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/07/2001 20:48:36
>>>>> "Julien" == Julien Cabessut <> writes:

  Julien> 	Hi,

  Julien> I don't know if I'm posting to this list the supposed way, please forgive me 
  Julien> if I made a mistake... A question poped up in my mind while browsing 
  Julien> Securityfocus... why not use the DC as a network analyzer, sniffer, password 
  Julien> cracker, intrusion detection system ? I mean, with the huge amount of 
  Julien> existing tools in NetBSD to perform such tasks, the software side is no 
  Julien> issue. Do you think the Dreamcast cpu (and maybe, that vector-crunching-one 
  Julien> by its side), has the power it needs to perform such tasks ? The necessary 
  Julien> amount of RAM ? Uh, something I'm suddenly aware of : where to put the logs ? 
  Julien> (those poor VMUs are gonna blow if used for this purpose !)

For the truly paranoid:  Connect a line printer to the serial port and
log to paper.  ;-)

  // Marcus