Subject: Re: segfaults
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/28/2001 05:13:01
>>>>> "Jason" == Jason R Thorpe <> writes:

  >> Now I managed to drop into kernel debugger; I was running configure on
  >> a program when I got

  Jason> Are you still running with my TLB handler changes?  I should commit those.

That particular run was with my own kernel, which has your patches
yes.  When using msaitoh's kernel, I get reboots instead.

  Jason> Yah, the low-level VM code on the SuperH has some pretty obvious
  Jason> race conditions.

Ok, that may explain why there seem to be more errors when there are
several programs running at once (for example remote logins).

  // Marcus