Subject: Re: Help with the IPLoader
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/16/2001 00:45:04
>>>>> "John" == John M Choi <> writes:
John> I also tried to burn this without success. I get the main menu, but it's
John> not the broadband adapter because I got the dreamcast to successfully
John> mount a nfs partition so it must have something to do with the
John> software. Do you know if the 1IPLOAD.BIN file is already prescrambled, or
John> does this need to be done before burning. Also, does IP.BIN need to be
John> scrambled? This does not seem to be the case from the docs, but I couldn't
John> get the licensed by Sega screen which is supposed to be in this file,
John> which probably means the IP.BIN is suspect. It could also be cdrecord,
John> which I had to use the win32 version of. (Someone else's machine...)
John> Any help would be much appreciated.
As you mention win32, did you use WinZip to extract the archive? Then
you should check the size of your IP.BIN. If it's not 32768 bytes,
WinZip has trashed it.
// Marcus