Subject: Re: OT: BBA & Web Browser
To: None <>
From: Gary <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/13/2001 12:53:36
On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Brendon McCaulley wrote:

> I can now buy a Broadband adapter and get on the 'Net at my DSL speed?


> That is the primary reason for me to buy a DC Broadband adapter.  
> Please let me know if this works for you!!

My webserver logs show these two user agent headers:

Mozilla/3.0 (DreamPassport/2.1; SONICTEAM/PSOBBA) [Japanese DreamKey]
Mozilla/3.0 (DreamPassport/2.1; SEGA/BROADBANDPASSPORT) [English DreamKey]

That's the long way of saying yes, it does work for me. I'm using DHCP on
my LAN and a floppyfw firewall for a NAT box.
