Subject: Compiling NetBSD for Dreamcast
To: None <>
From: Tyrel Beede <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/09/2001 22:48:24
Thanks to everybody who helped me sort out the details to my pervious
problem. However, I have one more little thing getting in my way...
I updated my i386 NetBSD system using the a binary snapshot from Feb 6th
2001 and that solved all the old tools problem like 'config' rejecting a
config GENERIC in the sys/arch/dreamcast/conf directory. Now that the
kernel compiles find I'm working on getting the rest of the source tree
to compile and I'm having a problem. I issued the proper commands to
build the include files and the libs as outlined in the cross-compiled
build-script beforeinstall
build-script includes
cd lib/csu ; build-script dependall install
cd .. ( to src/lib ) ; build-script dependall install
cd .. (to src) ; build-script obj build
This compile went fine all the way up to <build-script obj build> after
building the system binaries and such it seemed to go back through and
do a make dependall which then failed on at the src/lib/libc directory,
with the error that it coudn't find nsparser.h
The odd part is that this make dependall worked just before hand. If
anybody could outline the steps that a <make build> takes in the src
directory it would be a help. Also I checked the location where the
binaries were installed and it shows that I have a copy of lib.a from
the previous <build-script dependall install>.... hence do I even need
to worry about it failing here?
All comments are appreciated,
Thanks, Tyrel