Subject: New to the Dreamcast port
To: None <>
From: Joseph Mallett <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/05/2001 17:34:42
I've got a few questions relating to the Dreamcast port, and testing, etc.
1) Are the controllers supported as 'mouse' like devices, with the analogue 'joystick' and 6 available buttons?
2) How robust is the bus which powers the kbd, dc mouse, controllers, etc?
3) Would it be possible (do not read as: easy) to build an external enclosure for a hard drive which would connect via the afforementioned bus?
4) Has anyone made any progress on IDE/SCSI additions/modification to the Dreamcast?
5) How much voltage is there on the kbd/dc mouse/controller's bus?
6) Is there any fruitfulness to attempting to split the modem/BB connector? I.E. Would it be possible to run more than one device off of it?
7) Has anyone worked on PCI->modem/BB connector connectivity? I.E. Wiring the connectors of an IDE card to the connectors of the modem/BB connection. And actually having success?
Thanks for your time, I'm interested in helping out, and I'm trying to figure out where DC-related stuff stands, outside of the people working on making self-hosting systems, etc.
Oh and I'd like to point out that Buy Rite Videogames ( is selling Dreamcasts for 78$ in their store, and even though they'll try to rip you off if they can, and are absolute jerks, it's the best deal I've seen so far. They might even lt you trade in the controller towards the Keyboard. But you'd still be looking at the high cost of the BB adapter, from segastore, unless someone DOES have a way to connect PCI cards to the DC.