Subject: Re: dangerous for initialize of MIPS timer
To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 09/27/2006 23:26:29 wrote:
> > IMO "_spllower(MIPS_INT_MASK_5)" is enough like arc/autoconf.c does
> > for optional statclock(9), and some people also said that we should
> > have some comments why we needed such weird spl(9) handling in both
> > cpu_configure(9) and cpu_initclocks(9).
> I agree. However the bit MIPS_SR_INT_IE was already set?
Ah, you are right..
(on the other hand it means we don't have to enable interrupts there? ;-)
> I think that here is good because of it.
> #define _splnoclock() _spllower(MIPS_INT_MASK_5 | MIPS_SR_INT_IE)
IMHO, this usage doesn't match "system priority level" definitions
(i.e. splfoo() implies something to "raise" the system priority level)
so it might be better to have some other name, like enable_devintr()
or enable_extintr() etc? (in <mips/mips3_clock.h>?)
Izumi Tsutsui