Subject: Cross-compiling just about anything
To: None <>
From: Christopher Schultz <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 10/21/2004 11:28:22
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I apologize for the steady stream of posts these past few days. I really
appreciate all the answers I'm getting.
I haven't had any problems building gcc as a cross-compiler for the Qube
2 (from an IA32 machine) and I was able to build several kernels using it.
I haven't tried it, yet, but I was wondering how difficult it is to use
that cross-compiler to build just about anything. Clearly, the kernel is
sett configured to allow cross-compiling. Can anyone offer any
suggestions for compiling other packages using that cross-compiler?
For example, I'd like to cross-compile Apache 2 for my Qube. I assume
that all the system header files are available to the cross-compiler,
but do I need to trump the standard include paths so I don't get any
IA32 stuff in there during the configure or compile?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
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