Subject: RE: Cobalt newbie questions
To: 'Tom' <>
From: Sean Lennon <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 09/03/2004 00:45:52
I don't know, I sold the Qube 2 they were installed in last month, however,
I have ordered another 256Mb again for my new Qube, I should know in the
next week or so.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Tom
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 6:48 PM
To: Sean Lennon
Subject: Re: Cobalt newbie questions
Hi Sean.
Wow that's really cheap. Allthough it was a good deal for me because I
had to pay 60 Euro (~ 72 US Dollar) for a 64MB module
last year here in germany.
Who is the manufacturer of the RAM modules/chips from SA Tech?
RaQware ships modules from EDGE Memory ( )
with Samsung chips mounted.
Regards, Tom.
Sean Lennon wrote:
>Use SA Technologies ( in California, they are still
>knocking out 128Mb sticks for $49 each. RaQware are charging $89.95 for
>same item.
>P.S. try to avoid the FedEx delivery option if you are in the UK, they will
>send you a VAT bill a few weeks after delivery with an incorrectly
>calculated amount plus an extortionate charge for pushing paper around.
>James Hartley wrote:
>>On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Justin Newcomer wrote:
>>>The Ram
>>>EDO . Unbuffered . Non-parity . 60ns . 3.3V
>>>Not cheap!, i bought mine with 128 in it, which i have deemed to be
>>>enough for now
>>I appreciate everyone's answers! One follow-up question: I haven't
>>seen much in the archives where anyone has gone over 128MB in their Qube
>>2's. Is there anything problematic with populating Q2's full with
>Hi Jim,
>I've got 256MB of RAM in my Qube 2:
>I ordered the two 128MB modules here:
>Greetings from germany with kind regards,
>I'm looking for a "native speaker" who is willing to translate the few
>of my hypercub-projekt-page in nice english language.