Subject: Re: missing a hostname config somewhere?
To: NetBSD/cobalt <>
From: Andreas Yankopolus <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 01/18/2004 10:32:34
Have you configured your Qube to use a static IP address or are you
using DHCP?
I use a static IP address on my Qube. Here are the steps:
1. Set the IP address for local DNS lookups by typing:
echo 'your.ip.address hostname' > /etc/hosts
2. Check the startup log to verify the name of your Qube's primary
Ethernet interface by typing:
# dmesg | less
Look for lines that contain an Ethernet address. One of them should
mention something like tlp0. Then, set the IP address of the Qube's
primary Ethernet interface by typing:
# echo 'inet your.ip.address netmask your.netmask' > /etc/ifconfig.tlp0
Note that the netmask is written in hex (e.g., 0xffffff00) instead of
as a dotted quad (e.g., This information will come from
your ISP or guidelines that govern private networks. If your home
network operates in the 10.X.X.X or 192.168.X.X address spaces, you'll
most likely use "0xff000000" or "0xffff0000", respectively, as your
3. add "auto_ifconfig=YES" as a line by itself to /etc/rc.conf
4. Configure the Qube's upstream gateway. This is the address to which
it will send packets not destined to your network. If your Qube is on a
home network, this will generally be the IP address of a NAT device.
echo 'your.gateway.ip' > /etc/mygate