Subject: X11 via pkgsrc?
To: NetBSD/cobalt <>
From: Andreas Yankopolus <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 12/15/2003 10:20:19
In the past, I've found VNC an excellent tool for managing headless
machines. The problem is, I cannot seem to find a way to install the
X11 dependencies on my Qube via pkgsrc, and pkgsrc doesn't offer any
helpful suggestions:
# cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/vnc
# make
===> vnc- uses X11, but /usr/X11R6 not found
I've been digging through mailing lists and reading documentation in an
attempt to locate some sort of X11 base files. The closest thing I've
found are NetBSD 1.6 binaries for xbase.tgz, xcomp.tgz, etc, but
they're over a year old. Any suggestions, or am I stuck with a 15 month
old X11?