Subject: RE: RAQ2 Install Problems
To: 'Bryan Vyhmeister' <>
From: Daniel Ouellet <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 04/02/2003 16:10:15
Hi Bryan,
Much easier then this.
Go here and get the ISO bootable CD file:
1. Burn the ISO to CD.
2. Boot the CD in an i386 machine.
3. Netboot the cobalt (hold Left and Right buttons together when
powering on - status will read "Net Booting")
4. Telnet to the machine, away you go, follow the FAQ. Prepare to do the
disk partitioning several times if you've never done a BSD install
before -
keep the NetBSD Guide handy for tips.
When the Cobalt reboot you can telnet or rlogin into it at the IP from the i386 computer you use to setup the cobalt.
I love this way. From that to finish, I get a cobalt up an running in 10
minutes and the fun part of it is that you can even enjoy a beer as the
system works for you! (:>
In the end, if that doesn't work for you and you want to get ride of
your Cobalt, by all mean contact me. I will get them from you! (:>
Hope this help.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Bryan Vyhmeister
> Sent: Wednesday, April 02, 2003 3:48 PM
> To:
> Subject: RAQ2 Install Problems
> I recently picked up two Cobalt RAQ2 units on eBay. I have been trying
> to install NetBSD on one of them and I have not had any luck. The way
> have been working on it is taking a hard drive I already have (A 40GB
> WD w/8 MB Cache) and partitioning and disklabeling it for NetBSD. I
> tried doing this and I can't get the kernel to boot properly. I will
> look up the exact errors later but it seems that it can start booting
> the kernel from /dev/hda1 but it can't use /dev/hdc1 as root. I may
> have my partitions messed up. I used fdisk to use the partition 0 as
> the Linux boot partition. Partition 3 is for NetBSD. I then used
> disklabel to deal with Partition 3. Partition 3 contains wd0a, which
> root; wd0f, which is tmp; wd0g, which is var; and wd0h, which is usr.
> Something isn't right anyway. Could someone send me the output of
> and disklabel if they have a RAQ2? Any ideas of what I might have done
> wrong? By the way, I am trying to install 1.6.1. Thank you for your
> time.
> Bryan