Subject: Ran into other problems when testing new kernel
To: None <>
From: Stephen Harrell <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 04/29/2000 12:52:35
So I was trying to test out the kernel with new and improved scsi, but
something is awry in general and I'm a bit confused. Any kernel I try and
boot I get this. I've tried this on 4 different kernels, and I know at
least 2 will boot all the way.

Cobalt: bfd /boot/netbsd.gz nfsroot=/nfsroot
Decompressing  done
Decompressing  done.
Stopped in  at  0x800e82c4:     jr      ra
                bdslot: 0x800e82c8:     nop
db> trace
800e82c0+4 (1fff0000,801165b6,8,20) ra 800f1c18 sz 0
800f18b0+368 (1fff0000,801165b6,8,20) ra 8000106c sz 56
User-level: pid 0

anyone got any ideas?
