Subject: Re: ATARITT
To: Leo Weppelman <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
List: port-atari
Date: 09/10/1999 21:56:52
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

In message <>you write:
> On Wed 08 Sep 1999, Jan-Hinrich Fessel wrote:
> [ How to get to the booter's commandline ]
> > But now the problem is, the kernel is on the disk and tos doen't see the disk. 
> >  And the kernel doesn't fit gzipped on a 720k disk.  And I cannot write to the 
> > 1.44M disk from NetBSD...
> Now _why_ can't you write to the 1.44 floppy???? I really tried to code
> the 1.44MB case... It probably never got tested, but that;s another matter ;-)
> You did try '/dev/fd0c' and not '/dev/fd0b'?

Yes, I did.  And all I get is "recalibration error".

> > I think it's dammn time to get either ppp set up or to get an external HD 
> > hooked up or get ACSI working so that I can work on a driver for my Biodata 
> > ACSI-Ethernet...
> I'm looking forward to those ACSI diffs ;-) Seriously, you know that the
> ACSI driver has not yet been written, right?

I know.  And that makes it more dificult, because I don't have any testing 
device (like a harddisk) that I can use to test/debug ACSI.  All I have is 
this mostly undocumented Ethernet adapter.  And it's been years since I last 
did some work on my low-level tapedriver...


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