Subject: Re: ATARITT
To: Leo Weppelman <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <>
List: port-atari
Date: 09/07/1999 21:27:50
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

In message <>you write:
> On Mon 06 Sep 1999, Jan-Hinrich Fessel wrote:
> > 
> > Hej!
> > I have some problems with the ATARITT 1.4.1 kernel.
> > It boots fine, but fails to detect the VME bus.  OK, that's because it is not 
> > configured in.  Why that?
> I'm not sure if it should be configured by default. That would make it
> GENERIC_ATARITT. It should at least be mentioned. On a slightly related issue:
> I saw that FPU_EMULATE is defined by default in the ATARITT config. I wonder
> if there were really TT's sold without the 68882.

As far as I know, there was no TT without FPU.
But on the other hand, for a generic TT config it does no real harm for the 
install kernel to FPU_EMULATE.  It would be fine to have a prebuilt kernel 
with FPU support handy.

> > It also fails to detect the correct floppy type, I have a 1.44 drive 
> > installed, it detects only a 720k drive.  This is a standard developer TT from 
> > Atari.  Is there something special about the floppies?
> Ah, yes ;-) This question pops up every now and then. The big problem is that
> no one is able to tell me how I can figure out the type of floppy drive
> present (without writing to diskettes that is ;-) If you have a hint in that
> area, please let me know!

I'll dig into the old Atari developer docs, if I find them, that is.
Probably I can resurrect the old MINIX sources fot the TT and look at them, 

> > And, while the machine boots fine using the ATARITT kernel that was booted 
> > from floppy and installbooted on sd0, the loader can't finish loading kernels 
> > larger than ATARITT.  Should I installboot a GENERIC.MAXBLOAT kernel and this 
> > problem is gone, or is there some other magic involved, esp. the size of the 
> > TT-RAM (2MB)?
> What is the exact message? What is your RAM configuration?

Currently it is 2ST/8TT

The message is:
NetBSD/Atari boot loader ($Revision: 1.3 $)

\[spinning for some time]

and two bombs only on the GENERIC.v6 kernel.


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