Subject: Re: some questions
To: None <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andreas Eltrich <>
List: port-atari
Date: 07/14/1998 19:23:42
You (Leo Weppelman) wrote:
> > - there is a problem with the Modem-2 port. I've connected a nullmodem
> > cable from my ISDN router to this port. This works fine with GEM (CoNnect
> > terminal program), so it can't be a hardware problem. When I type "cu -l
> > /dev/mdm02" I get a "cu: write: Input/output error" when typing any
> > character in the terminal. "stty -f /dev/mdm02 -a" seems to be okay. The
> > port is set to 9600/8N1/no handshake. Is this a known problem? Is it likely
> > to be fixed soon? As far as I remember this problem occurs with the Modem-1
> It is not a known problem (at least for me ;-) I guess it has todo with
> the cu config - assuming it did not work on pre 1.3.2. Since you want no
> handshake, make an entry in the /etc/uucp/port file that looks like:
> port port1
> hardflow false
> device /dev/mdm02
Hey cool, this did the trick! I just was not aware of the relationship
between cu and uucp ;)
> > port too. I once tried to use the SERCONSOLE option without success.
> Note that if you want to use of a serial console that a carrier must be
> present _during_ boot to make this the actual console.
Might be, that my Macintosh didn't supply a carrier signal (DCD?) or my
cable did not connect the signal, who knows. I can live without this
feature... ;)
> > - fd1, my external DD drive, isn't recognized when there is a floppy in the
> > drive at boot time. When it's empty, it is recognized correctly:
> Mmm. I don't know if my external floppy drive is still functional. I'll
> undust it and give it a try ;-)
hehe :)
> For the Falcon/TT I have not planned to fix floppy formatting. I will leave
> this area for someone else ;-)
Hmmm, unfortunately I'm not a programmer, just a foolish user ;(
Thank you for the tips!
Bye, Elchy (on vacation now)
Andreas Eltrich ( ( ) ( ) ) e-Mail:
Munich, Germany `-^-^-@@-^-^-'
Tel: +49-89-54379757 (..) Fax/Analog-Login: +49-89-54379758