Subject: Re: Xservers
To: NetBSD port-atari mailing list <port-atari@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Thomas Gerner <>
List: port-atari
Date: 03/09/1998 19:37:53
On Mon, Mar 09, 1998 at 01:39:51PM +0000, Julian Coleman wrote:
> AFAIK (feel free to correct me), Linux does this for the console mode only,
> the X servers still need access to the card (and thus an independent or a
> grf-based driver). Juergen Orschiedt has just mailed the Linux 68K list
> some patches to do initialisation of SVGA/ET4000-based cards, so this won't
> be needed for Linux. I have the initialisation routines for the Crazy Dots
> card done - just yesterday (but no console yet - I am concentrating on X).
> So, if you want X on a card, you (or someone) need(s) to write drivers for
> it.
Linux on m68k uses indeed a generic frambuffer driver which can be used for
console and X. The graphics hardware must be initialized befor the kernel
starts up and the kernel gets the adress and resolution of the card as a
parameter. But there is no way to change the resolution or do other things
with the card like using accelerator.